"The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn, Is To Love SomeOne, Than Never To Have Loved At All"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Exams Over Soonnnnnnnnnn!!!

Yippee !!!!!!! Today marks the last day of exams in school.

Reii has been diligent and revises on her own - aka help from my brother Koony and Sis-in-law Sam. My mum has also been ensuring that Reii is well nourished. Thank you, thank you to all!!!

Reii tells me that she is able to finish her papers and checks them and even had the time to do her eye exercises - "10 times, Mummy, I did the eye exercises 10 times" - she knows I am concerned with her increasing myopia.....

She has reminded me countless times that we will go online tonight. We have not "seen" each other since she needed to study and get to bed early - since last Friday.
We are looking forward to the holidays. What shall we be doing my darling Reii?

Mummy is so happy. I know you are happy. Daddy is happy too.
Soon, soon, soon........

I Love You Baby Reii!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Growing Up

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Fever in School

Reii had fever in school yesterday afternoon but she is alright now.
What happened?

HOW DID SHE REALISE SHE WAS UNWELL? - " eyes felt a little painful then I know I had fever. But don't worry Mummy, I am alright now."

THE CURE - "Mama made me Lipton Tea to drink. "

THE PROBABLE CAUSE OF HER FEVER? - "I think is the prata..."(she whispered)

HER CONSIDERATE NATURE - "Mummy, yesterday when I had fever, it was about 445pm. I did not want to call Ah Ku because if he comes it will be near 545pm, then school ends at 6pm. Trouble Ah Ku for what? I can attend class and also sing National Anthem correct?"

This rationalisation shows that she is beyond her years. She is indeed matured. She knows how to care for others. She is considerate.

END OF CONVERSATION - "Ok, Mummy, when do we skype again? Tomorrow at 9pm ok? Remember. Mummy, I love You."

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Study Hard

This should be the last stretch.
Don't think that you know everything already.
Remember the story of the Hare and the Tortoise.
Please do not be the Hare.
Many will say that they do not know anything but in fact, they will know much more than you do.
This is the last month to really concentrate.
No more Gameboy please. No more wasting of time.
Turn in early each day and be up bright as a lark the next day.
My remote control advice to you my Reii.
Mummy can't be there to nag and nag.
So please be a good girl.

Monday, October 01, 2007

