"The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn, Is To Love SomeOne, Than Never To Have Loved At All"

Friday, August 31, 2007

Sports Day 2007

It is Sports Day at Raffles! Red, Yellow, Green and Blue - what do they mean??

Reii is in Blue Group and Blue was the Overall Champion House. Her little around in a zig zag fashion - yeeks look out for the cones!!! throw the bean bag and hope it does not drop........alas, for a team of almost 10 little gals, you can expect the usual of slow and fast she was rather down when her team did not come in 1st, 2nd or 3rd.....

Never mind Reii, it was all for good fun. You had a great day and importantly, Mummy and Daddy were there to cheer you on.......

Go Reii Go, Go Blue House Go!!!

You enjoyed the dinner at Jack's place after that didn't you baby?

So Sorry Darling

It must be one of those crazy days again.

Why was I so mean and rude to my seven year old?

She is just a big girl...but she is taking too many snacks and an almost daily dose of laksa from her school canteen.
(Which stall is it from today???Chinese or Malay Laksa???)

Yes, I ought to be clearer and explain to her on the evils of taking too much yuckky stuff. It builds in your body, your heart will not be able to take it....
I should have advise and not insult and start name calling.

So sorry my darling Reii...Mummy is bad cos she made you cry.
So sorry darling Reii, please forgive me ok?

The wait is coming to an end soon and we will be together again....
Countdown, let's the happy land next year...Our New Adventure - TOGETHER.
Say Hip Hip, Hurray!!